Free Gifts For Everyone

Neonshine Selfie of the Month Contest Terms & Conditions The Neonshine Selfie of the Month Contest (“the Contest”) is organized by Neonshine Sdn. Bhd. (the “Organizer”). The Contest is open to all Malaysian residents with a permanent residential address in Malaysia. How to participate: Step 1: Participants are required to have a valid Facebook account. […]

If you’re interested in Python GUI, Gaming, and more, you’re in the right place! This course is a one-stop-shop for all things GUI! We’ll be using the Tkinter Module of Python for all our graphics and animations. We’ll start with the basics, buttons, labels, etc. Once we cover those, we’ll move on to more complex […]

In questo corso IMPARERAI a gestire il soggetto, osservando il SET LIVE commentato, inoltre una formula nuova dove sono stati inseriti capitolo di DEBRIEFING immediato, per spiegarti ancora meglio cosa sta DAVVERO dietro ad uno SHOOTING PUBBLICITARIO con modella. Ogni ingrediente è importante ed in questa nuova formula potrai prima concentrarti sulla GESTIONE del SET e dopo ricevere da me […]

¿Estás por comenzar a dar clases? ¿Ya tienes tiempo enseñando? ¿Deseas conocer diferentes tipos de servicio educativo? Este curso es para ti. En este curso aprenderás de manera muy concreta cuáles son los elementos principales en una enseñanza exitosa. En este curso abordarás temas como: ¿Quién puede enseñar? Mentalidad exitosa Conociendo a tus estudiantes Enseñando […]

What am I going to get from this course? The best ever course on Udemy about the Prezi for creating handful,beautiful and attractive presentation. Get a free Prezi account at, so you can do the hands-on exercises. That’s all you need! Learn how to create stunning Prezi presentations quickly. Use powerpoint all the time? […]