Free Udemy Course on ConvertKit Tutorial – Build a Landing Page with NO Website
June 5, 2016

Do you have an idea for a course, book, service/coaching package, or product? 

If so, you should be collecting email leads!


Growing an email list of people who are interested in what you are creating before you launch it is a great way to validate your idea and make sure that people are interested in the product you are creating.

When I wrote my first book, I didn’t have an email list, which means I didn’t have anyone to promote the book to on launch day 🙁

But, once I started growing an email list, my book sales picked up and continued grow!

Many people, myself included, believe that you need a website in order to start growing an email list. But websites can be expensive and time consuming to create, especially if you are just getting started.

Luckily, I found a way to create simple landing pages using ConvertKit that DON’T REQUIRE you to have a website in order to start growing your email list.

That’s exactly what I cover in this tutorial.

In this tutorial I show you:

  • how to create an opt-in offer or “lead magnet” that is targeted at your ideal customer,
  • how to upload and host your lead magnet, and
  • how to create a high converting landing page using ConvertKit that delivers your lead magnet to your subscribers automatically as soon as they sign up.

And we can do all of this BEFORE you even have your website set up. That means that you can start growing your list right now!

Get your Free Udemy Course on ConvertKit Tutorial – Build a Landing Page with NO Website by clicking here.

Free Udemy Course on ConvertKit Tutorial - Build a Landing Page with NO Website



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