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Mit Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 senden, empfangen und verwalten Sie Ihre E-Mails, Ihren Kalender und Ihre Kontakte. Outlook zu beherrschen ist für private Zwecke und im Beruf unerlässlich. Verständlicherweise ist das Programm recht komplex. SONIC’s Trainingsvideos geben Ihnen zunächst einen Überblick über die Grundlagen von Microsoft Office Outlook 2010. Lernen Sie dann, E-Mail-Konten, Kontakte, Termine […]

Go – also known as Golang – is an open source programming language developed by Google in 2007. In this course you’ll learn all about the Go Programming Language. We’ll cover most of the language and learn many of the concepts that underlie this programming language. Go makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient […]

This course is not sponsored or affiliated with Udemy, Inc Want to learn how to draft a valid simple will? Interested in learning the basic terminology for wills law. Attorney & Legal Instructor TaQuita M Hogan-Claiborne gives you her best advice for drafting a valid simple will. This mini-course will teach you: How to define law of wills […]

Learn the difference between Accounting and Bookkeeping. Discover how a good bookkeeping system can save you wasted hours and dollars. How to have a conversation with your banker and accountant. You will learn: Ethics and Rules Types of business organizations: proprietorship, partnership, corporation, C-corp, S-corp, LLC. Basic terminology Accounting concepts and principles In this course, we […]

This course is for front-end developers who want to get a head-start in ReactJS by learning the fundamentals as quickly as possible. Students who take this course will learn to use React components, JSX and React’s top-down design methodology to build interactive interfaces while cutting down on code complexity. The course is presented in a […]

Take a listen to what people are saying about my course: The course content is great. It is structured in a manner that makes understanding complex aspects very easy. The practice questions and quizzes are what helped me the most in this course. The lectures were clear, short and to the point. William Benoist Project management – […]

SEO Search Engine Optimization course designed to help web developers create and think more about search ranking during the design process. Thinking about SEO is an important aspect when it comes to web development. Website success depends on traffic, the main source for web traffic is search engines. Having optimized content and website structure helps […]

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