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This course is designed to jump right into showing how Git and GitHub work together, focusing on the Git basic workflow. Students can expect to learn the minimum needed to start using Git in about 30 minutes. Recent Updates: October 16th: Added Updates and Errata Section Course Outline Course Introduction and Overview provides an introduction […]

You don’t have to feel the stress, embarrassment, anger, or guilt when your child acts up and won’t listen. 1-2-3 Magic Parenting Power Video shows you step-by-step how to get your child’s behavior under control.   Whether is it getting your child to START something like going to bed, eating their dinner or getting out of […]

Photoshop is one of the best tools, so learn it with this Photoshop Web Design Tutorial! I have been using Photoshop since version 3 and every time it gets better and better. I have created litterally thousands of designs and over that time I have found that there are number of key skills and tools […]

Whether you are just starting out or making a career change, this introductory course will teach you about the many facets of Event Planning, from initial client contact to post-event analysis. You will learn key skills required for identifying event goals, working with clients and other crucial starting points in planning an event. You will also learn to identify […]

At Udemy, we have a set of marketplace policies that help create a safe and supportive environment for students and instructors. As an instructor, it’s important to understand these policies so that you can succeed in the marketplace. This course is the place where you can learn about what the rules are, and how you […]

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