Free Gifts For Everyone

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. – Jim Rohn _____________________________________ Do you know that by NOT having a daily journal you are compromising your health, wealth, happiness, unrealized potential, and altogether your finite life? So why […]

Every time you speak with someone new, a potential employer, client, recruiter or networking contact, there is an excellent chance that they are looking at your LinkedIn profile. Posting a bad LinkedIn profile can cause a job opportunity or new potential client to vanish into thin air. Creating a strong LinkedIn profile is the single, easiest […]

SEO is the active practice of optimizing a web site by improving internal and external aspects in order to increase the traffic the site receives from search engines. Firms that practice SEO can vary; some have a highly specialized focus, while others take a more broad and general approach. Optimizing a web site for search […]

Learn how to make your photos pop by editing them directly on your iPhone. In this course you will learn how to edit photos in a variety of apps on your iPhone. From the default iPhone Photos app to Photoshop apps, you will learn to take a regular smartphone photo and make it much more […]

In this course we touch on a broad range of SEO subjects to give you some quick tactical wins as well as an understanding some of the deeper SEO concepts and strategies. This course provides digestible information for all levels of knowledge, from users just beginning to learn SEO to advanced SEOs. If you like […]

Learn how to make your WordPress website Hacker Proof in just 2 HOURS! WordPress is powering more than 25% of the internet. It is the most widely used Content Management System on the planet and that makes it a popular target for hackers. Every single day tens of thousands of WordPress websites are being attacked […]

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