Free Gifts For Everyone

Does coding scare you? Think applications can only be made by geeks? Well I’m here to change that! Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will eventually use to build both desktop and mobile applications with the popular programming language, Java. ——————————- This course is for complete and utter beginners to programming and Java. If you don’t […]

A Faculty Project Course – Best Professors Teaching the World Successful entrepreneurs understand that entrepreneurship is a process that can be learned and improved upon with experience.  This Entrepreneurship course provides a series of lectures that can guide an aspiring entrepreneur through the steps that will greatly increase their chances for successfully turning their idea […]

A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. PHP and MySQL are incredibly powerful open source technologies that allow people to create functional websites and apps that go way beyond basic HTML. While it can seem intimidating to someone with no background in coding, working with PHP is much […]

This introductory course will teach you how to model, connect, analyze, and build Internet of Things applications using ThingWorx, an industry-class platform used by developers across the globe. The course is broken down into two hands-on projects that are based on a business use case and includes presentations, demos, and in-depth exercises, which on average takes eight hours to complete. By the […]

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