Free Gifts For Everyone

This course on FileMaker development is designed for beginners but with a goal of designing a complete contact management or CRM solution. Sections include creating fields, designing an interface, performing finds, creating a notes field, working with popovers, automating email and web browser communication, mass emailing, eliminating duplicates, birthday and to-do reminders, phone formatting and call […]

In charge of the family’s retirement planning? Need to create a multi-year project budget or recommend project investments at work? Considering a career in finance? In just two weeks and 12 short segments, this course will teach you how to conduct a financial analysis from start to finish, just like following a recipe! Rather than […]

#Free Udemy Course on Sass Workflow
September 17, 2016

Welcome to this Avelx course, this course will develop your skills in maintaining structured stylesheets. Sass is a CSS preprocessor which allows a more functional approach to styling; such as variables, mixins, if statements, loops, maths, inheritance and more. First I’ll show you how to easily use the command line to keep our CSS up […]

This course is an advanced TSQL Querying course. The course expects that student are already aware of basic database concepts and are comfortable writing basic TSQL queries like SELECT, JOINS etc. Students are expected to have taken my previous course (Introduction to databases and Querying). This course cover advanced concepts like Views, Triggers, Dynamic Queries […]

Learn the Javascript essentials for web development or any type of programming. Learn all the basics of Javascript including primitive types, arrays, functions, assignment operators, the window object and much more. Also I’ll provide clear explanations of objects, constructors and arrays in a clear way for anyone to understand. We’ll also dive into some more […]

This mini-course will get you started on a successful YouTube journey. In this course, you’ll learn some of YouTube’s best practices for growing your own channel. These lessons come from the complete YouTube Masterclass, an amazing course right here on Udemy that will walk you through the entire process of YouTube success. Start with this […]

Link Building Made Easy! As a website owner it’s hard to know what tactics are viable in growing your website’s online visibility. Everyone says that links are important in gaining traffic from Google, but no one talks about how to secure good links that make sense from relevant websites. That’s why we put this course […]

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