Free Gifts For Everyone

If you’re interested in 2D mobile game development you’ve probably heard of the Corona SDK framework — because it’s freaking awesome! In this online game development crash course for beginners we’re going to dive in and create a simple game. Along the way you’ll magically learn how to use the core concepts of Corona SDK… […]

Why are 50,804 students wanting me to mentor them in 42 Udemy courses?50,804 students have started learning from me since August 7th 2015. Shouldn’t you find out why? I’ve been working in the hacking, cyber security, disaster recovery and business continuity industry since 1995. In that time I’ve come across too many incidents of Trojans being installed on users’ computers […]

#Free Udemy Course on Premiere Pro 101
September 20, 2016

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the best editing softwares currently available, but using it for the first time can be daunting! That is why we created Premiere 101, for those of you wanting to test run the software. Without going over your head we’ll take you through a project from start to finish during this […]

The SQL Server Administration will give the student what is necessary and the prerequisites for SQL Server installation. This includes Windows Server Operating System,SQL Server 2012, and the Virtual Application that is needed to install SQL Server 2012. It will introduce to the student how to configure SQL Server in a production environment. The student […]

Note: This course represents the trainer’s experience with the Getting Things Done® methodology, and that they are not trained by, associated or affiliated with the David Allen Company. According to Harvard University researchers Matthew Killingsworth and Daniel Gilbert – “about 47 percent of people’s waking hours are spent doing anything except being in the moment […]

Master your interviewing skills with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering Your Interview Made Easy features 33 video lessons. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each lesson just as if your instructor were there with you. You will learn […]

Selenium Titbits video series is for those who want to get hold of basic understanding of Selenium in greater detail. This series is designed in such a way that one can easily understand under the hood of Selenium along with some of the nitty-gritty detail one must know while doing bigger projects in Selenium (say […]

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