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In this course, I’ll show you the basic skills and technique you need to play table tennis. You will learn how to hold the bat, how to stand and how to move. You will learn the correct technique for the core table tennis strokes – a forehand drive, a backhand drive, a forehand push and […]

Aprenda passo a passo como instalar o Oracle VirtualBox e criar máquinas virtuais que irão lhe ajudar no dia a dia de estudo na área de TI. Cobriremos desde o download do software e instalação, até a criação da máquina virtual e instalação do sistema operacional Windows 7, com características avançadas, como compartilhamento de pasta […]

This course provides a full guide on creating animated 2D characters in Unity. There are 2 main techniques of animating 2D characters: frame-based and bone-based. We will create a fully functional 2D character with each of these methods. You will learn how to bring your 2d characters to life by making them move and jump […]