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Step 1: ‘LIKE’ Harvey Norman Facebook page and tune-in for more contest updates. Step 2: ‘SHARE’ Harvey Norman “Furniture Genius” Trivia contest posts to friends. Step 3: ‘COMMENT’ Make a good guess on the trivia questions provided (answers can be found on product page on website) and stand a chance to win! Trivia Question: “It […]

We all hate it when we’re trying to eat, drink, or (shh…) kiss something, and whatever (or whoever) the recipient of our lips is, ends up looking like a 5 year-old’s finger painting. Problem solved! These intense liquid lip colors are completely transfer-proof and last up to 8 hours – while moisturizing! How? Our exclusive […]

Over 14000 satisfied students enrolled in my courses Over 186 5 Star Reviews from very happy students Many students improve their self confdidence from this course – why not you? ______________________________________________________________________ Course updated on the 20th of May 2015 Did you experience these problems? • You lacked self-confidence and missed out on things in life? […]

Drench a cotton pad with this clear liquid and sweep it over your face. Tiny cleansers called micelles pull makeup and excess oil from your skin—no rinsing required. The first 500 Allure readers to sign up at noon ET will win. Go to Allure USA now to find out more about this giveaway.     […]