Free Gifts For Everyone

This may sound a bit dramatic but retail is dying. Every year, more and more people are shifting their shopping habits online. There are now more than 3 billion people using the Internet and that number is rapidly increasing. Can you see why retail is dying? This presents a major opportunity for enterprising individuals to […]

A Faculty Project Course – Best Professors Teaching the World Strategic analysis is critical for analyzing the competitive context in which an organization operates and for making reasoned and reasonable recommendations for how that organization should position itself and what actions it should take to maximize value creation. In this course, we will explore the […]

Japanese magazine Senyum Photo contest 2016 Photo Contest Rules Deadline 30th June 2016 Theme Smile in happiness @ Malaysia Eligibility The competition is open to EVERYONE, residents in Malaysia, professional and amateur photographers. Submission Rules ●maximum 3 pieces of works per person. ●Entry is limited to original works that have not formerly been displayed or […]

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[inni event] Join us for this year’s Eco-Handkerchief Campaign! Share and tell us your most creative ways of using a hankie; 20 winners will receive an Eco-Handkerchief Special Kit and the top 5 will get a Limited Edition The Green Tea Seed Serum too!* ^^ Simply share this post and leave a comment on how […]

Spot The Meadow Gold Contest
June 15, 2016

Residence in chaos! The Meadow Gold are coming out in force when you are away from home! The first scene before your very eyes when you’re back is a houseful of Meadow Gold items horsing around. Spot them out and make everything in order again. Take part in “Spot The Meadow Gold” contest from 20 […]