Learn everything you ever wanted (or didn`t want) to know about the German modal verbs – who they are, what do they usually do, who their friends are and what do they do together (and even a dark secret about their personality).
Then take this knowledge to the real life section – and use it however you want! You will see that the modal verbs are really useful in your everyday conversations, and that by knowing them, your speaking and writing skills will greatly improve.
The course isn`t long, so why don`t you try it
After the course, if you still have any questions, comments, things that confuse you, something you want to talk about, or just share your opinion about some amazing German beer you just tried, feel free to drop me a note!
What are the requirements?
- One free finger to click, an open mind, willingness to learn and a sense of humor
What am I going to get from this course?
- Begin speaking German with the help of a few very useful verbs – The Modal Verbs
- Interact in everyday situations (eating out, traveling, asking for help, expressing your thoughts) with the help of the Modal verbs
- Conjugate Modal verbs, meaning change them according to the person you are referring to
- Have fun watching my silly “animations”
What is the target audience?
- This course is aimed for the ones stuck somewhere between the “total beginner” and the “not even close to intermediate” stage
- It can also be useful to total newbies, since all German in the course is translated into English, and everything is explained from the beginning
Get your #Free Udemy Course on Start speaking German with the Modal verbs by clicking here.
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