Free Udemy Course on Learn Ultra Speed Reading & Advanced Memory (Advanced Level)
March 24, 2016

Grab this course now itself..

Grab this amazing course having more than 100 high quality lectures on how to speed read and advanced memory and become a super learner .

Become a learning machine and learn how to read 300 + books this year.

Learn speed reading and boost memory.

Get this power learning course.

Learn speed reading and memory techniques.

In this course coming to how to speed read part,

Speed reading is any of several techniques used to improve one’s ability to read quickly. Speed reading methods include chunking and eliminating subvocalization

Whether you’re hitting the textbooks in philosophy class or reading the morning newspaper, reading can feel tedious. Train yourself to speed read to get through these tasks much faster. Reading faster does lead to less understanding, but with practice you can overcome some of this effect.

  • Take a break every 30–60 minutes. This will keep you focused and reduce eye strain.
  • Analysing and changing your reading can become difficult because you start focusing on your reading techniques rather than understanding the text. Make sure you’re not reading too fast and you properly understand what you have read.
  • Practice in a quiet, well-lit environment. Use earplugs if necessary.
  • If you can’t improve your reading speed, have your vision checked.
  • Read important texts when you’re alert and well-rested. Some people function well in the morning, while others think better in the afternoon

Coming to memory improvement part,

There is no such thing as a “bad memory”, and everyone can improve their memory, as long as you are not suffering from memory loss as a medical condition. If you want to improve your memory, there are a number of things you can do, from eating blueberries to using a variety of mnemonic devices. If you’re optimistic and dedicated, you’ll be able to improve your memory, whether you want to win the World Memory Championships, ace your history test, or simply remember where you put your keys.

Do you have trouble remembering someone’s name ten seconds after being introduced? Do you sometimes forget why you walked into a room? While frequent occurrences like these could be a sign of a medical issue, it is far more likely that you could simply benefit from training and techniques to increase your short term memory. If so, remember that this course is a good place to start!

I am hoping to meet you on the inside.

What are the requirements?

  • Hi Speed Internet Connection To View On-demand High Definition Videos.
  • Interest to learn and take action
  • An open mind to learn and practice exercises given in this course.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 102 lectures and 4 hours of content!
  • Learn to increase the reading speed by atleast 37 to 47 % in just 45 minutes.
  • Learn to double your reading speed almost in few hours.
  • Learn the essential and awesome tips to increase your speed reading.
  • Learn the secret ingridient to remember names and faces.
  • Learn to remember 20 given words in the exact order in just 2 to 3 minutes.

What is the target audience?

  • Students
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Employees
  • Under Graduates & Post Graduates
  • Those who want to increase their reading speed and memory power dramatically.
  • Employers

Get your Free Udemy Course on Learn Ultra Speed Reading & Advanced Memory (Advanced Level)  by clicking here:

Free Udemy Course on Learn Ultra Speed Reading & Advanced Memory (Advanced Level)



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