#Free Udemy Course on How to Get a Book Published by a Traditional Publisher
September 10, 2016

You know that feeling when you feel like you are digging a never-ending hole with no end in sight and really struggling to get your first book published by a ‘real’ publisher?

It’s not tough once you learn the hacks of successful celebrity authors like Karan who grabbed a $80,000 deal from Penguin for his Debut novel in the US.

In this course, we (Karan and Harsh) teach self-published authors and wannabe authors on how to get a book published by a traditional publisher. I ask Karan, some of the toughest questions you could ever ask to a celebrity author..

This course is an actionable approach to get your book finally published by a publisher.

✔ Create a blueprint for your outreach campaign

✔ Understand, how to approach a Publisher

✔ Clarify all the doubts about publishing a book

✔ Learn the craziest publishing shortcuts

✔ Even better than a thousand dollar course

✔ Avoid the mistakes and hack your way to success

✔ Proven techniques and results

✔ Actionable tips that you can implement today

✔ Very easy to understand and implement

✔ Get 1-on-1 help from instructors

How is this course structured?

I have taken a whole new approach to making this course more interactive. You will find Video Lectures, Audio Lectures, Visual Workbooks, Quizzes to Weekly Q&A sessions.

It’s really exciting once you get started with this course. I am waiting to see you on the inside….

About Karan Bajaj: Karan Bajaj is an Indian American author of three contemporary Indian novels, Keep Off the Grass (2008), Johnny Gone Down (2010) and The Seeker (2015). Bajaj’s first novel, Keep Off the Grass, which became a bestseller with more than 70,000 copies sold in the year of release, was a semi-finalist for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award and was longlisted for the Indiaplaza Golden Quill Award. Together his novels have sold more than 200,000 copies in India.

Get your #Free Udemy Course on How to Get a Book Published by a Traditional Publisher by clicking here.

Free Udemy Course on How to Get a Book Published by a Traditional Publisher



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