The wait is soon over! Based on Rudyard Kipling’s beloved stories and the unforgettable 1967 Disney animated film, The Jungle Book is coming to life this April 2016. The story takes us through Mowgli’s (played by Neel Sethi) journey of self-discovery with characters like Baloo, Shere Kahn, Bageera and many more this April 7th 2016. The all-star cast includes Bill Murray as Baloo, Ben Kingsley as Bagheera, Idris Elba as Shere Kahn, Lupita Nyong’o as the voice of mother wolf Raksha, Scarlett Johansson as the luring Kaa, Giancarlo Esposito provides the voice of alpha male wolf Akela, and Christopher Walken lends his voice to King Louie. To prepare you for the awesomeness that’s coming, Walt Disney Studios Malaysia have got some can’t-be-missed goodies for you!
Below are the prizes to be won:
20x The Jungle Book In Season Passes
1X The Jungle Book’s Adult Wind Breaker
3X The Jungle Book’s LED Light
3X The Jungle Book’s Backpack
2X The Jungle Book’s Camp Chair
2X The Jungle Book’s Beach Towel
3X The Jungle Book’s Notebook
2X The Jungle Book’s Water Bottle
2X The Jungle Book’s TorchTo win some of these goodies, here’s what you have to do:
1. Make sure you’re following Lipstiq on one of our social media platforms: Facebook,Twitter or Instagram.
2. Answer this simple question: Name us two actors that lend their voices in Disney’s live-action The Jungle Book.
3. Drop us an email at with your answer and personal details (Name, IC number and contact number). The title of the email should be: “[CONTEST] Win Yourself Official Goodies From Disney’s The Jungle Book”Watch the goosebumpy trailer right below:
This contest ends on the 28th of March 2016 at 10pm.
Terms & conditions:
– The winners will be contacted directly via email. The prizes will be given out at random.
– Winners will have to pick up the prizes at our Klang Valley office. We will NOT be posting out these prizes.
– Winners are advised to pick up their prizes within two weeks of being notified as a winner.
Find out more at Lipstiq #Malaysia.
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