#Win Tickets to 《Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice》 at ONFM #Malaysia
March 23, 2016

a. 在ONFM面子书粉丝专页回答电影问题。
b. 竞赛开放时间为30分钟,,4.15pm-4.45pm
c. 主持人将答对的网友列上编号,然后现场抽签并与节目上公布或者其得奖者会收到回复。
d. 每次抽出4名得奖者,其得奖者将赢取两张双人电影戏票。
e. 得奖者须于3月25日前PM个人资料到ONFM Facebook粉丝专页,并注明送《Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice》 电影戏票。
f. 每个人只能赢取一次;若发现同样的地址重复赢取则作废。
g. 本台是依据参赛者的提供个人资料给予得奖者通知,如在竞赛过程中
h. ONFM 不承担任何邮寄遗失或损坏的责任。
i. ONFM拥有权利要求得奖者亲自领取奖品,如得奖者无法在所述限期内领取奖品,主办单位将拥有绝对的酌情权没收或处理该电影奖品。
j. 如有任何争议,ONFM将持有一切事务之最终决定权。

The rules of the game:
A. In onfm face book fan page answer movie issues.
b. 竞赛开放时间为30分钟,,4.15pm-4.45pm
C. The moderator will bingo of netizens on the number, and then the scene with the program of lots posted on the winners will receive or reply.
D. Each of the 4 winners of the draw, its winners will win two double movie theater tickets.
E. Winners are required before March 25 pm personal information to onfm Facebook fan page, and send the indicating the ethnic v Superman: Dawn of justice movie theater tickets.
F. Everyone can only win once; if found the same address repeat win is invalid.
G. This station is the basis for the participants to provide personal information given notice, such as the winners of the race course
The Replacement of personal data, the right to cancel the onfm contestants from eligibility.
H. Don’t assume onfm mailing any loss or damage of responsibility.
I. Onfm ownership rights winners personally requested to collect their prizes, such as the winners in the reporting deadline is unable to receive prizes within, the organisers will have the absolute discretion to confiscation or dealing with the movie prizes.
J. If any dispute, onfm will hold all the affairs of the final word.
#Win Tickets to 《Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice》 at ONFM #Malaysia



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